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How To Deal with Summertime Pterygium Recurrence

How To Deal with Summertime Pterygium Recurrence

A pterygium is a benign growth that develops on the outer surface of the eye. In addition to being unattractive, this type of growth can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as itchy, burning eyes and a foreign body sensation. Some pterygia grow so large that, left untreated, they start to interfere with vision.

Luckily, the surgery to remove a pterygium is tolerated very well by patients and does not require a hospital stay. But if you have already had a pterygium removed, you need to know that there is a chance it can return. Furthermore, the chances of it growing back are greater in the summertime. In this post, the team at Laser Eye Center of Miami explains why. Continue reading

Questions We Hear from Patients Considering Clear Lens Extraction

Questions We Hear from Patients Considering Clear Lens Extraction

When patients think of improving their vision with surgery, LASIK — the most popular refractive surgery on the market — is usually the first procedure that comes to mind. However, another procedure may be worthwhile for patients who are not good candidates for LASIK: clear lens extraction. Here, the ophthalmologist at Laser Eye Center of Miami answers some of their patients’ most common questions about clear lens extraction to help educate those contemplating refractive surgery. Continue reading

Is It Ever Too Late to Get LASIK?

Is It Ever Too Late to Get LASIK?

Many of the middle-aged patients we see at Laser Eye Center of Miami express regret that they missed their chance to have LASIK when they were younger. Fortunately, our outstanding ophthalmologist, Dr. Gabriel Lazcano and Dr. Abraham Awad, have good news for them: it usually is not too late to have refractive surgery! Age does not disqualify a patient from having LASIK. If a patient is interested in LASIK, it is worth asking your doctor if he or she is a good candidate for the procedure, regardless of age. Continue reading

What Is the Difference Between Open-Angle and Angle-Closure Glaucoma?

What Is the Difference Between Open-Angle and Angle-Closure Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disorder characterized byan increase of pressure in the eyes. This pressure can damage the optic nerve, causing vision loss and in some cases total blindness. Patients who have a family history of glaucoma are at an elevated risk for glaucoma.

Although several types of glaucoma exist, most cases fit into two categories: open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. The team at Laser Eye Center of Miami explains the differences between these categories of glaucoma. Continue reading

Understanding the Different Types of Cataracts

Understanding the Different Types of Cataracts

While all cataracts impair vision by clouding the eyes’ lenses, not all cataracts are the same. To help patients better understand cataracts, the doctors at Laser Eye Center of Miami have provided this guide to distinguish between the types of cataracts that can develop on the eyes. Read on to learn about nuclear sclerotic cataracts, cortical cataracts, posterior subcapsular cataracts and congenital cataracts: Continue reading

Why LASIK Has Become So Popular During the Pandemic

Why LASIK Has Become So Popular During the Pandemic

Many trends have emerged during the coronavirus pandemic, such as socializing on Zoom, doing jigsaw puzzles and baking sourdough bread. At Laser Eye Center of Miami, our team has noticed another trend: a rise in patients seeking LASIK. The Refractive Surgery Council confirms that vision correction procedures have “soared” after people stopped sheltering at home. Here are some of the reasons patients have shared for having laser eye surgery. Continue reading

When Is It Time to Get Reading Glasses?

When Is It Time to Get Reading Glasses?

Around middle age, you may notice that your ability to focus on up-close objects is on a steady decline. This condition, known as presbyopia, strikes almost all adults around the age of 45. Although presbyopia cannot be cured, it can be treated. To keep your vision in top shape, the team at Laser Eye Center of Miami elaborates on some of the indicators that it is time for you to get reading glasses or seek some other treatment for presbyopia: Continue reading

What Celebrities Have Said about Their LASIK

What Celebrities Have Said about Their LASIK

Over 10 million Americans have had LASIK. While most of these patients are ordinary people, it is also a popular procedure among celebrities. Some people have doubts about the safety and effectiveness of LASIK, so they may find it reassuring to learn that even rich and famous people choose this procedure to correct their refractive errors. Here Laser Eye Center of Miami discusses some of the notable figures who have been happy with their LASIK results: Continue reading

It’s Glaucoma Awareness Month: Why Screenings Are So Critical

It’s Glaucoma Awareness Month: Why Screenings Are So Critical

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. When it comes to glaucoma, awareness is everything: approximately half of all people with glaucoma do not realize they have this potentially blinding condition. To better educate our patients, the eye team at Laser Eye Center of Miami explains why screening for glaucoma is so vital. Continue reading

At What Age Should You Start Worrying about Cataracts?

At What Age Should You Start Worrying about Cataracts?

Nearly half of all adults who reach the age of 75 develop cataracts. This common eye condition clouds the natural lens, causing blurry or hazy vision. At Laser Eye Center of Miami, our award-winning eye doctors meet with patients who are worried about the formation of cataracts. Here, they explain what age cataracts should become a concern. Continue reading