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Eye Exams in Miami

About Eye Exams

Eye Exams in MiamiHaving your eyes regularly examined by a skilled eye doctor is important for ensuring the lifelong health of your eyes and vision. During an eye exam at Laser Eye Center of Miami, our doctors will check your vision and general eye health, including:

  • Refractive errors, such as nearsightedness
  • Vision changes, which may indicate cataracts or problems with the retina
  • Issues with the supportive muscles in the eye, including strabismus
  • Eye tumors and cancer, such as intraocular melanoma

Exams are also important for detecting eye health issues early, which can make certain conditions easier to treat.

Eye Tests

During a complete eye exam, our doctors will first discuss your health and family history with you. Additionally, several eye tests may be conducted; some will help determine if you need eyeglasses or contact lenses, while others can assess your eye function or check for diseases. Standard eye tests include:

Visual acuity: This test requires the patient to read letters on an eye chart from a distance, covering one eye at a time. Patients may also read the letter through a special device called a phoropter, which contains several lenses that may help patients see more clearly. This test allows doctors to determine whether you need glasses for better vision.

Visual field: Visual field tests are performed to check your peripheral vision. This involves patients following an object with their eyes only as it moves within their visual field, usually side to side, up and down, and up close and far away. This helps our doctors determine your full visual range.

Color vision test: Your eye exam may also include a color vision test, which tests for color blindness, also known as color deficiency. During this test, patients are shown several images of colored dots and numbers that are a different color. Individuals with color blindness may have difficulty seeing the numbers.

Corneal topography: This test essentially uses technology to create a map of your cornea. Thousands of images of your eye are taken as you look at an object. This test helps identify astigmatism in patients and allows our doctors to prescribe the appropriate contact lenses. It can also be used in preparation for a corneal transplant or other procedures.

Tonometry: Elevated eye pressure can indicate the presence of glaucoma, a serious, vision-threatening eye condition. Eye pressure can be checked during tonometry, during which a small puff of air is blown onto the cornea.

Ophthalmoscopy: This test requires eyedrops to dilate the pupil in a process that takes about 15 minutes. After, a light is used to examine the important structures of the eye, including the retina, lens, optic nerve, and cornea, as well as the neighboring blood vessels.

How Often Should I Have an Eye Exam?

Most people should visit the eye doctor for a complete exam every one or two years. However, individuals who are at an increased risk of certain eye diseases may need more frequent examinations. This can include those who:

  • Are over 60
  • Suffer from obesity
  • Have had eye surgery
  • Have a family history of eye conditions, such as glaucoma
  • Use eyeglasses and contact lenses

Schedule Your Next Eye Exam

Eye exams can help you see more clearly and identify eye issues that can jeopardize your vision, including diseases that do not have symptoms until after damage has been done. Schedule your next comprehensive eye examination today by calling our office or using the online form to request an appointment.