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Photorefractive Keratectomy in Miami

About PRK

PRK in MiamiPRK, or photorefractive keratectomy, is a popular vision correction procedure that corrects refractive errors. It utilizes a precise laser to alter the cornea’s shape to help light refract correctly. It is considered an ideal option for patients with astigmatism, nearsightedness, or farsightedness who may not be eligible for LASIK surgery. In addition, PRK may be right for you if:

  • Your eyes are healthy overall
  • You do not have any issues related to your corneas, such as cataracts or injuries
  • You have a stable eye condition

What to Expect at Your PRK Consultation

Before PRK, you will meet with one of the highly skilled doctors at Laser Eye Center of Miami, who will evaluate the condition of your eyes and assess your candidacy, testing the size of your pupil, the extent of your refractive error, the health of your corneas, and other important factors. If it is determined that PRK is appropriate for your needs, you will then be able to schedule your procedure and begin preparing for the procedure. For example, if you wear rigid gas-permeable contact lenses, preparing for PRK means you should stop wearing them for a few weeks prior to surgery.

About the Procedure

PRK is performed as an outpatient procedure. First, your eyes will be fully numbed with a special eye drop so that you remain comfortable during treatment. A holder will be put in place to prevent blinking and ensure safety. The eye’s epithelium will then be removed before the laser reshapes the cornea. After, anti-inflammatory eye drops are applied and a clear contact, which acts as a protective barrier, is placed into the eye to support its healing. The entire procedure can be completed in as few as 15 minutes, and while you will be able to return home the same day, you should make arrangements for someone to drive you.

Recovering from PRK

After having your eyes treated, you should prioritize rest. You will be provided with aftercare instructions that may include avoiding strenuous activities. It is normal to have some eye discomfort for a few days after the procedure, but this is manageable with over-the-counter or prescription pain medications. You may also be instructed to wear sunglasses when exposed to the sun or limit sun exposure altogether to prevent eye damage.


Patients can expect an improvement in vision after three to five days. After that, you can get back into your regular routine with the convenience of clear vision and a reduced or eliminated dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses. Things such as fogged eyeglass lenses, dry contacts, and broken frames will no longer be a consideration after PRK.


When considering laser corrective eye surgery, patients usually come across both LASIK and PRK. While both procedures have a goal of improving vision, their approaches differ. LASIK involves the creation of a corneal flap, which is then folded back, allowing the laser to reshape the cornea. However, a high quality of vision is achievable with both PRK and LASIK.

Schedule Your Appointment

The team at Laser Eye Center of Miami is eager to help you experience sharp vision and optimal eye health. Contact us today to get started with a laser eye surgery consultation.