How To Deal with Summertime Pterygium Recurrence

How To Deal with Summertime Pterygium Recurrence

A pterygium is a benign growth that develops on the outer surface of the eye. In addition to being unattractive, this type of growth can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as itchy, burning eyes and a foreign body sensation. Some pterygia grow so large that, left untreated, they start to interfere with vision.

Luckily, the surgery to remove a pterygium is tolerated very well by patients and does not require a hospital stay. But if you have already had a pterygium removed, you need to know that there is a chance it can return. Furthermore, the chances of it growing back are greater in the summertime. In this post, the team at Laser Eye Center of Miami explains why. Continue reading

Everything You Need To Know About “Surfer’s Eye” (Pterygium)

Everything You Need To Know About “Surfer’s Eye” (Pterygium)

A pterygium (pronounced tuh-RIJ-ee-uhm) is an eye growth seen in individuals who have spent long hours in bright sunlight over the course of many years. Although the name sounds scary, pterygia — the plural of pterygium — are not cancerous and cannot spread to other parts of the body. Still, a pterygium can be unsightly and a nuisance.

Read on as the team at Laser Eye Center of Miami reveals everything you need to know about pterygia, which is sometimes referred to as “surfer’s eye.” Continue reading

Understanding “Surfer’s Eye”

Understanding “Surfer’s Eye”

A pterygium is a triangle-shaped growth of tissue that forms on the white part of the eyeball, called the sclera. Usually benign, pterygia can grow, eventually extending over the cornea and, depending on their size, interfere with vision.

As you will learn, pterygium growths are common in sunny climates such as Miami. The team at Laser Eye Center of Miami offers complete care for pterygium. If you have noticed a growth on your eye that matches the description of a pterygium, please don’t hesitate to book an appointment at our office to have it checked out. Continue reading