Protect Your Vision from the “Silent Thief of Sight”

Protect Your Vision from the “Silent Thief of Sight”

In today’s blog post, the team at Laser Eye Center of Miami wants to make you aware of one of the most insidious threats to your vision and ocular health: a disease called glaucoma. Glaucoma has been described as the “silent thief of sight,” because half of all people with glaucoma do not know they have it until it has progressed to the advanced stages and caused vision loss. Unfortunately, glaucoma-induced vision loss cannot be recovered.

Although our team cannot protect you from getting glaucoma, we hope that by raising your awareness, you can take steps to properly manage your risk. If you do develop glaucoma, we will do our best to help you avoid losing vision to the disease.   Continue reading

4 Ways Diabetes Affects Vision

4 Ways Diabetes Affects Vision

The effects of diabetes on many areas of health, including ocular health, are well-documented. Below, the team at Laser Eye Center of Miami discusses four specific ways diabetes can affect vision. We encourage people with diabetes to be very attuned to their eyes and even slight changes in vision, which could indicate a potential problem. Continue reading

Understanding the Different Types of Glaucoma

Understanding the Different Types of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases characterized by damage to the optic nerve. The eye continuously produces fluid that must drain to keep the pressure in the eye stable. If the fluid doesn’t drain properly, the intraocular pressure can rise to a dangerous level and risk damaging the optic nerve.

Although glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness, many people don’t understand the nuances of the disease or its severity. To provide some clarity, the team at Laser Eye Center of Miami discusses the two primary types of glaucoma here. Continue reading